中西節日|Children’s Day《兒童節篇》

波羅說故事-兒童節篇 Children’s Day

簡介 Introduction


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波羅說故事 Story

In order to celebrate Children’s Day, Boro decided to invite his siblings and friends to go on a picnic in the nearby park.
Bomei came up with many good ideas, such as exchanging gifts, and playing hide and seek. All of their friends agreed with her ideas.
When they got to the park, they saw some kids playing on the seesaw. Some kids were playing on the slide and swing.
Others were playing in the sandbox with buckets and shovels. There is a little girl with a difference.
She sat next to the fountain and read picture books. Ben invited that girl to come and play with them.
The little girl’s name is Emily. She told Ben that she needed to ask her father for permission.
Surprisingly, they found that the old man who fell asleep on the park bench is her father. It’s super funny.
They chatted for a long time and ate all the food together. Afterwards, they exchanged gifts with each other.
Boro got a new pencil from Ben. Bomei had candy. They all had a great time.
Later, Emily had to go home, so they said goodbye to her and promised to play with her again.
What a great day in the park! How’s your Children’s Day?
Do you make new friends? Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

相關單字整理 Vocabulary

◎ 公園遊樂區相關單字

  1. Children’s Day /ˈtʃɪl.drənz/ /deɪ/ 兒童節
  2. gift /ɡɪft/ 禮物
  3. present /ˈprez.ənt/ 禮物
  4. park /pɑːrk/ 公園
  5. slide /slaɪd/ 溜滑梯
  6. swing /swɪŋ/ 鞦韆
  7. seesaw /ˈsiː.sɑː/ 翹翹板
  8. sandbox /ˈsænd.bɑːks/ 沙坑、沙箱
  9. shovel /ʃʌv.əl/ 鏟子
  10. bucket /ˈbʌk.ɪt/ 桶子
  11. bush /bʊʃ/ 樹叢
  12. trash can /ˈtræʃ ˌkæn/ 垃圾箱、垃圾桶
  13. streetlamp /ˈstriːt.laɪt/ 路燈、街燈
  14. bench /bentʃ/ 長椅、長凳
  15. fountain /ˈfaʊn.tɪn/ 噴水池
  16. jump rope /ˈdʒʌmp ˌroʊp/ 跳繩
  17. skipping rope /ˈskɪp.ɪŋ ˌroʊp/ 跳繩
  18. frisbee /ˈfrɪz.bi/ 飛盤
  19. picnic /ˈpɪk.nɪk/ 野餐
  20. sibling /ˈsɪb.lɪŋ/ 兄弟姐妹
  21. hide and seek /ˌhaɪd.ənˈsiːk/ 捉迷藏遊戲

◎ 玩遊樂器材英文這樣說

  1. to go on the slide = to play on the slide 玩溜滑梯
  2. to go down the slide 滑下溜滑梯
  3. to go on the swing = to play on the swing 玩盪鞦韆
  4. to go on the seesaw = to play on the seesaw 玩翹翹板

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