波羅說故事-清明節–掃墓禁忌篇 Tomb Sweeping Day Taboos

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內文及影片中提及到的掃墓禁忌僅供參考! 可能因地區習俗、個人習慣等因素而有所不同!

波羅說故事 Story

★ Tomb Sweeping Day 清明節 ★ Taboo 禁忌、忌諱

➊ Avoid sweeping or cleaning the graves during the evening or at night as it is believed to bring bad luck.
➋ Refrain from wearing bright or colorful clothing, as it is a solemn occasion and muted colors are more appropriate.
➌ Don’t bring any food or drink that is too pungent or strong-smelling, as this may disturb the spirits of the ancestors.
➍ Do not eat or drink near the graves as it is considered disrespectful to the deceased and their spirits.
➎ Do not leave any garbage or litter near the graves as it is considered disrespectful and may offend the spirits.
➏ Avoid making loud noises or engaging in boisterous behavior at the gravesite, as this is also seen as disrespectful to the ancestors.
➐ Avoid arguing or quarreling on this day, as it is believed to bring bad luck and disharmony to the family.
➑ Refrain from taking selfies or other photos at the gravesite, as it is considered inappropriate and disrespectful to take pictures in a cemetery.
➒ Don’t sit or stand on the tombstone, as this is seen as disrespectful and may anger the spirits of the ancestors.
➓ Do not bring children or pregnant women to the gravesite, as it is believed to bring bad luck.
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