失控國度!疫情升溫 停水停電 是在哈囉?|五月關鍵熱搜

  1. coronavirus / COVID-19 新冠肺炎
  2. pandemic 流行病
  3. vaccine 疫苗
  4. rapid test 快篩
    → test positive 檢測為陽性
    → test negative 檢測為陰性
  5. confirmed case 確診病例
  6. home isolation 居家隔離
  7. home quarantine 居家檢疫 (quarantine 隔離)
  8. wash your hands often/ regularly/ frequently 勤洗手
  9. wash your hands with soap and water 用肥皂和水洗手
  10. hand wash / hand soap 洗手乳
  11. hand sanitizer 乾洗手
  12. alcoholic 酒精
  13. alcoholic prep pad(s) 酒精棉片
  14. sanitize/disinfect 消毒 (v.)
  15. wear face mask 戴口罩 (face mask 口罩)
  16. N95 mask N95口罩
  17. respirator mask 防護型口罩
  18. mask-rationing plan 口罩實名制
  19. (protective) face shield 防疫面罩
  20. protective goggles / safety goggles 護目鏡
  21. gloves for epidemic prevention / medical gloves for COVID-19 防疫手套
  22. protective suits 防疫衣
  23. PPE (personal protective equipment) 個人防護裝備
  24. take / check your temperature 量體溫
  25. thermometer 溫度計、體溫計
  26. social distancing 社交距離
  27. maintain social distancing 保持社交距離
  28. avoid close contact 避免近距離接觸
  29. real-name registration 實聯制
  30. relief package 紓困方案
  31. WFH (work/working from home) 在家工作
  32. remote working 遠距工作
  33. video conference 視訊會議
  34. colleague/coworker 同事
  35. study at home during the time of coronavirus / pandemic 在家讀書
  36. online learning 線上教學
  37. be put on lockdown / in lockdown 封城
  38. panic buying 購物恐慌
  39. stockpile 囤貨(v.)
  40. food delivery外送
  41. courier|food delivery rider/driver 外送員
  42. contactless meal delivery 零接觸外送
  43. contactless payment 零接觸支付
  44. for here 內用|to go 外帶
  45. power outage 停電
  46. water outage 停水
  47. water shortage 缺水
  48. reservoir 水庫
  49. Happy graduation day/ Congratulations on your graduation 畢業快樂
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