中華傳統節日|Hungry Ghost Festival《中元節》

波羅說故事-中元節篇 Hungry Ghost Festival

簡介 Introduction

鬼節好怕怕?西方也有鬼節呀!西方的鬼節是「萬聖節Halloween」,東方華人的鬼節是「中元節 Zhongyuan Festival」,為什麼說到中元節就會怕怕呢?我想是因為大家都會連想到「好兄弟 good brothers」對吧?喂!怎麼越說越毛啦~回歸正題啦~今天就讓我們學習用英文說故事吧!
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波羅說故事 Story

Respect and be open to all beliefs.

There are several different stories about Zhongyuan Festival.
Today, let me give you my version.
The 7th month on lunar calendar is traditionally regarded as “Ghost Month” in Taiwan.
The 15th day of the 7th lunar month is called the “Zhongyuan Festival” or “Ghost Festival”.
People in Taiwan have believed that the gates of hell will open up for the spirits on Hungry Ghost Festival.
People will honor their ancestors and wandering ghosts with offerings of food, drinks, and fruits.
In order to allow them to live better in the afterlife, people will also light incense and burn praying cash for the spirits.
Praying cash is their currency in the underworld.
Many temples in Taiwan will also hold Zhongyuan Pudu, offering feasts to wandering ghosts.
Most of those ghosts didn’t have family when they were alive.
Therefore, nobody will worship the good brothers and give them food and money.
So, that is why people will show respect and do Pudo to them on the festival.
In addition, there are several famous traditional activities of Zhongyuan Festival include releasing the water lanterns and paper boats, and grappling with the ghosts.
Usually these activities are held on the last day of the seventh lunar month.
The purpose is to release the spirit of the death and pray for good luck.
People hope these good brothers who are suffering in the underworld can be saved through these activities.

鬼月習俗&禁忌 Customs & Taboos of Ghost Month

Things To Do During the Zhongyuan Festival

  1. Remember to prepare a washbasin of water and towels for the spirits and good brothers to wash their faces and hands.
  2. It’s unlucky to say the word “ghost,” so people called them “good brothers” instead.
  3. Sometimes, people will set a place at the table for their deceased relatives when they have meals.

15 Things To Avoid During the Zhongyuan Festival

  1. To avoid placing the offering table indoor when we worship ancestors and good brothers.
  2. Do not speak out your name when you worship the spirits.
  3. Do not set off the firecrackers. It will scare the ghosts.
  4. Do not buy bananas, plums, and pears as offerings.
  5. Do not touch or make jokes of the offerings for the hungry ghost.
  6. Do not pick any strange items on the street, especially coin and money.
  7. Do not do any water-related activities.
  8. Do not stay out too late and take the last bus.
  9. Do not whistle at night.
  10. Do not cut your nails.
  11. Do not tap someone on the shoulder.
  12. To avoid hanging out wet clothes late at night.
  13. Do not take pictures late at night.
  14. Do not stab your bowl of rice with chopsticks.
  15. To avoid holding weddings, traveling, and doing business during ghost month.
    To avoid buying car and house in the seventh lunar month.

相關單字整理 Vocabulary

  1. The Zhongyuan Festival (n.) 中元節
  2. (Hungry) Ghost Festival (n.) 餓鬼節
  3. Yulan Festival (n.) 盂蘭盆節
  4. Ullambana Festival (n.) 盂蘭盆節
  5. Chinese Ghost Festival (n.) 華人鬼節
  6. Zhongyuan Pudu (n.) 中元普渡
  7. Lunar calendar/ Chinese calendar (n.) 農曆
  8. The seventh lunar month (n.) 農曆七月
  9. The 15th day of the 7th lunar month (n.) 農曆七月十五
  10. Ghost Month (n.) 鬼月
  11. gate of Hell (n.) 鬼門
  12. the gate to Underworld (n.) 鬼門
  13. Buddhist (n.) 佛教
  14. rituals (n.) 儀式
  15. custom (n.) 習俗
  16. ancestors (n.) 祖先
  17. ancestor veneration/ ancestor worship (n.) 祭拜祖先
  18. reciting sutras (v.) 誦經
  19. releasing souls from purgatory/ releasing the spirit of the death (v.) 超渡
  20. the gods/ deities (n.) 神祇
  21. wandering ghosts (n.) 孤魂野鬼
  22. good brothers (n.) 好兄弟
  23. offering (n.) 供品
  24. offering table (n.) 供桌
  25. make food offerings (v.) 供奉食物
  26. sacrificial offerings (n.) 祭品
  27. washbasin/ washbowl (n.) 洗臉盆
  28. towel (n.) 毛巾
  29. incense (n.) 線香|(v.) 激怒、使大怒
  30. incense stick (n.) 香柱
  31. light incense (n.) 點香
  32. burning incense (v.) 燒香
  33. incense burner (n.) 香爐
  34. ghost money/ spirit money (n.) 金紙、冥紙
  35. paper money/ praying cash (n.) 紙錢
  36. joss (n.) 佛像、神像
  37. joss paper (n.) 紙錢
  38. burning ghost money/ spirit money (v.) 燒冥紙
  39. burning joss paper (v.) 燒紙錢
  40. currency (n.) 貨幣
  41. rice wine (n.) 米酒
  42. water lanterns (n.) 水燈
  43. releasing water lanterns (v.) 放水燈
  44. releasing paper boats (v.) 燒王船
  45. Chiang Ku Festival / ghost grappling (n.) 搶孤
  46. temple (n.) 廟宇
  47. taboo (n.) 禁忌
  48. whistle (v./n.) 吹口哨
  49. drown (v.) 溺水

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