波羅說故事-端午節篇 Dragon Boat Festival

簡介 Introduction

端午節中華文化四大節日之ㄧ,四大節是哪四大節日:分別是春節(農曆新年)清明節、端午節,以及中秋節。相信大家對這些節日一定都不陌生,這四大節日哪天不是吃吃喝喝(開玩笑的😂)?既然大家都對這些傳統的節日如此熟悉,那麼波羅就換個方式用英文來唸故事給大家聽吧~今天要講的故事是“肉粽節之屈原你是誰”英文版《Dragon Boat Festival Origins: Who is Qu Yuan?》,希望你們會喜歡!故事內容較困難,建議大家多聽幾遍哦!

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波羅說故事 Story

Dragon Boat Festival Origins: Who is Qu Yuan?
The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. The origin of the important festival was from an intelligent official named “Qu Yuan”. Qu Yuan was a respected man who was good at diplomacy. He was appointed left minister to King Huai because of his outstanding talents. Qu Yuan loved his kingdom very much, but he could not gain respect of the new emperor after King Huai passed away. The new king appointed his brother to be prime minister. It is a pity that the prime minister hated Qu Yuan and exiled him to Jiangnan. During that tough time, Qu Yuan wrote a lot of poems to express his emotions. However, he still could not stand the emotional despair and decided to end it all. Qu Yuan jumped into Miluo River and committed suicide. When people heard the bad news, they immediately tried to find his body. In addition, people threw rice into the river to prevent fish from eating Qu Yuan and try to appease the river dragon. This is the legend of Dragon Boat Festival. Every year during the Dragon Boat Festival, Boro likes to watch the dragon boat races and stand the egg on its end. Bomei likes to make her own fragrant sachets. As for their cousin, Boyo, likes to hang moxa on the doors to keep the bad spirit away. They all love to eat rice dumplings to celebrate the festival.

相關單字整理 Vocabulary

  1. Dragon Boat Festival /ˈdræɡ.ən/ /boʊt/ /ˈfes.tə.vəl/ 端午節
    Double Fifth Festival / ˈdʌb.əl/ /fɪfθ/ /ˈfes.tə.vəl/ 端午節
    Dumpling Festival /ˈdʌm.plɪŋ/ /ˈfes.tə.vəl/ 端午節
  2. dragon /ˈdræɡ.ən/ 龍
  3. dumpling /ˈdʌm.plɪŋ/ 餃子
  4. (sticky) rice dumplings /ˈstɪk.i/ /raɪs/ /ˈdʌm.plɪŋ/ 粽子
  5. sticky rice /ˈstɪk.i/ /raɪs/ 糯米
  6. watch Dragon Boat races /wɑːtʃ/ /ˈdræɡ.ən/ /boʊt/ /reɪs/ 看龍舟比賽
  7. race /reɪs/ 速度競賽、競爭、比賽
  8. stand the egg on its end egg balancing /stænd/ /ðə/ /eɡ/ /ɑːn/ /end/ 立蛋
    egg balancing /eɡ/ /bælənsiŋ/ 立蛋
  9. fragrant sachets /ˈfreɪ.ɡrənt/ /sæʃˈeɪ/ 香包
    scented sachets /’sen.t̬ɪd/ /sæʃ’eɪ/ 香包
    perfume pouches /pɝːˈfjuːm/ /paʊtʃ/ 香包
  10. calamus /ˈkæləməs/ 菖蒲
  11. realgar wine /rɪˈælgɚ/ /waɪn/ 雄黃酒
  12. moxa /mɔksa/ 艾草
    Chinese mugwort /tʃaɪˈniːz/ /ˈmʌɡ.wɝːt/ 艾草

◎ 故事中的單字

  1. lunar month /ˌluː.nɚ ˈmʌnθ/ 農曆
  2. official /əˈfɪʃ.əl/ 政府官員
  3. origin /ˈɔːr.ə.dʒɪn/ 起源、源頭
  4. intelligent /ɪnˈtel.ə.dʒənt/ 有才智的、聰穎的
  5. diplomacy /dɪˈploʊ.mə.si/ 外交
  6. minister /ˈmɪn.ə.stɚ/ 部長、大臣
  7. appointed /əˈpɔɪn.t̬ɪd/ 被指定的、被委任的
  8. talent /ˈtæl.ənt/ 天分、天賦
  9. outstanding /ˌaʊtˈstæn.dɪŋ/ 優秀的、卓越的、出眾的
  10. kingdom /ˈkɪŋ.dəm/ 王國
  11. emperor /ˈem.pɚ.ɚ/ 皇帝
  12. gain /ɡeɪn/ 取得、獲得取得、獲得
  13. pass away /pæs/ əˈweɪ 去世
  14. respect /rɪˈspekt/ 敬重、尊重
  15. prime /praɪm/ 首要的、主要的
  16. pity /ˈpɪt̬.i/ 同情、憐憫
  17. tough /tʌf/ 困難的、棘手的
  18. exile /ˈek.saɪl/ / /ˈeɡ.zaɪl/ 流放、放逐、流亡
  19. express /ɪkˈspres/ 表達、表露

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