波羅說故事-聖誕節篇 Christmas

簡介 Introduction

叮叮噹🔔叮叮噹🔔鈴聲多響亮~ Ho Ho Ho~ 🎅🏼聖誕老公公來惹! 在這個溫馨又充滿歡笑的日子裡, 讓我們一起來探索聖誕老人的故事吧~波羅波美除了為大家準備有趣的聖誕故事外,也幫大家整理了超精華的必懂聖誕節單字哦!走過路過不要錯過~跟著波羅波美一起學習英文吧!

教學影片 Videos

聖誕節故事 Christmas Story

摺紙聖誕老人 Christmas Origami Santa Claus

波羅英文原創聖誕歌曲 Santa! Santa!

波羅說故事 Story

◎ Christmas Story 聖誕老人的秘密

Once upon a time, there was a wealthy man named Nicholas. He is very kind and generous. He would often give away all his wealth and possessions to those in need. And this man is the so-called Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, or simply Santa. There are many stories about the generosity of Santa Nicholas. One of the most popular stories is that he saved three poor sisters from being sold into slavery by their father. To thank him, later generations set up the Saint Nicholas Day. It is celebrated on the 6th of December every year. After Santa Claus passed away, people continued the practice of giving gifts. Gradually, his popularity spread across all borders. That’s how we get our Santa Claus! Many people believe that Santa lived in the North Pole. In order to put gifts in the Christmas stockings on the Christmas trees, he would ride a sleigh pulled by reindeers on Christmas Eve. And Santa Claus will deliver gifts through the chimney. Boro and Bomei wrote letters to Santa Claus this year, asking for candy canes and gingerbread houses as gifts. Mom and Dad told them to go to bed early that day so that Santa Claus can come earlier. I hope that our wishes can come true. Merry Christmas!

從前從前,有一個名叫尼古拉斯的富人。他非常善良和慷慨。他經常將他所有的財富和財產贈與有需要的人。而這個人,就是所謂的聖誕老人(Santa Claus),又名Father Christmas、Saint Nicholas,或者簡稱Saint。關於聖誕老人的慷慨,有很多故事可以說。最受歡迎的故事之一,是他拯救了三個貧窮的姐妹,避免被她們的父親賣為奴隸。為了感謝聖誕老人,後人設立了聖徒節/聖徒紀念日。它在每年的12月6日慶祝。聖誕老人去世後,人們繼續相繼送禮。漸漸地,他的聲望無遠弗屆。這就是聖誕老人的由來!許多人相信聖誕老人住在北極。為了把禮物放在聖誕樹上的聖誕襪裡,他會在平安夜(聖誕節前一天晚上)騎著馴鹿拉的雪橇送禮。聖誕老人會透過煙囪發送禮物。波羅和波美今年給聖誕老人寫了封信,許願要拐杖糖和薑餅屋作為禮物。爸爸媽媽告訴他們那天要早點睡覺,這樣聖誕老人就可以早點來了。希望我們的願望能夠實現。祝大家聖誕節快樂!

聖誕節必懂單字 Vocabulary

1. Christmas 聖誕節
2. Christmas Eve 聖誕夜
3. Christmas tree 聖誕樹
4. Christmas stocking 聖誕襪
5. Christmas wreath 聖誕花環
6. poinsettia 聖誕紅
7. mistletoe 槲寄生樹
8. bell 鈴鐺
9. sleigh 雪橇
10. reindeer 馴鹿
11. Santa Claus 聖誕老人
12. Santa’s sack 聖誕老人裝禮物的袋子
13. chimney 煙囪
14. present 禮物
15. gift 禮物
16. exchange Christmas gifts 交換聖誕節禮物
17. candy cane 拐杖糖
18. gingerbread man 薑餅人
19. gingerbread house 薑餅屋
20. snowman 雪人
21. snowflake 雪花
22. fireplace 壁爐
23. decoration 裝飾
24. sing Christmas carols 唱聖誕頌歌

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