
波羅說故事-復活節篇 Easter

簡介 Introduction

說到復活節你會想到什麼?波羅會想到復活節蛋!所以我就拍攝我製作復活節蛋的(過程)影片,要來分享給大家!希望你們不要嫌棄我做的Boro Easter Egg很醜哦😂這樣才有特色嗎!(必須先給大家打預防針XD) 好啦!既然都要製作復活節蛋了,怎能不知道關於復活節的小故事呢!就讓波羅來幫大家科普一下吧~『Easter 復活節』,又稱主復活日,是基督宗教的重要節日之一。復活節於每年春分月圓後的第一個星期日慶祝,因此每年的日期都不固定(請查閱每年最新月曆最準確!)。該節日乃紀念耶穌基督被釘死後第三天奇蹟復活的神蹟,因此被基督徒認為這象徵著永生與赦罪。哇嗚!每個節日背後的故事都令人驚訝呢~補充好知識,充好電之後,我們開始製作專屬自己的復活節蛋吧!

教學影片 Video

◎ 特別注意:

⚠️切記復活節蛋不能吃哦⚠️ 因為有染色害怕顏料滲入雞蛋🥚

波羅說故事 Story

Easter is coming. Painting Easter eggs is a good way to celebrate Easter. You can do it with your family, friends, or classmates.
It’s must be fun and interesting. Lots of people may buy some decorating kits to make a colorful egg.
But actually, there are tons of ways to make them different.
Now, I want to show you how to make special “Boro” eggs step by step.
現在,我想帶你一步一步來製作特殊的“波羅” 復活節蛋。
First of all, boil the eggs. Put the eggs in a pan of hot water.
Allow the egg to boil for about seven to eight minutes. And then remove the egg to let them cool.
Second, prepare a paint brush and a can of gray paint, and then dye the eggs.
The step is very easy. Coat the egg in two or three layers of paint. Then, wait until the eggs are completely dry.
Remember not to dilute the paint with too much water, otherwise it will be difficult to apply gray paint on the eggs.
You can also prepare a container and dye the eggs. Fill the container with half cup of water.
And then put one teaspoon of white vinegar as well as twenty to twenty-five drops of gray.
Afterwards, put the eggs in the liquid and let them soak about five minutes or even longer.
Next, place them in an egg carton to dry. Now the eggs are ready for decoration.
Third, decorate the eggs with cardboard. Prepare two pieces of cardboard. Paint one of them black, and the other red.
Use the black one to make two small circles out of cardboard and stick the circles on the center of the eggs as Boro’s eyes.
Don’t forget to make four small rectangles as well. These are Boro’s foot and arms.
After that, cut two moon shapes from red cardboard as his cow horns. Stick them on the top of the eggs.
Last, paint special clothes for Boro. Well done! We’re finished.
This is the special Easter egg for me. How about yours? Have a nice Easter!

復活節蛋製作流程單字 Vocabulary

◎ 要準備的材料單字

  1. pan /pæn/ 平底鍋
  2. bowl /boʊl/ 碗
  3. tongs /tɑːŋz/ 夾子
  4. egg(s) /eɡ/ 雞蛋
  5. water /ˈwɔːtər/ 水
  6. grey paint /ɡreɪ/ /peɪnt/ 灰色顏料
  7. paint brush /peɪnt/ /brʌʃ/ 刷子/畫筆
  8. tape/ foam tape /teɪp///foʊm/ /teɪp/ 膠帶/泡棉膠

◎ 故事中提到的單字

  1. decorating kits /ˈdek.ər.eɪtɪŋ/ /kɪts/ 裝飾配件
  2. boil /bɔɪl/ 沸騰、煮沸
  3. coat /koʊt/ (n.) 外套、大衣 | (v.)給…塗上一層
  4. container /kənˈteɪ.nɚ/ 容器
  5. teaspoon /ˈtiː.spuːn/ 茶匙
  6. white vinegar /waɪt/ /ˈvɪn.ə.ɡɚ/ 白醋
  7. liquid /ˈlɪk.wɪd/ 液體
  8. carton /ˈkɑːrtn/ 硬紙盒、塑膠盒
  9. soak /soʊk/ 浸泡、滲透
  10. stick /stɪk/ (n.) 木條、木棍、拐杖 | (v.)黏貼、固定住
  11. horn /hɔːrn/ 角、觸角

◎ 復活節相關單字

  1. Easter /ˈiː.stɚ/ 復活節
  2. Easter egg /ˈiː.stɚ/ /ɛɡ/ 復活節蛋
  3. Easter egg hunt /ˈiː.stɚ/ /ɛɡ/ /hʌnt/ 彩蛋尋寶
  4. plastic egg /ˈplæstɪk/ /ɛɡ/ 塑膠蛋(裡面可以放糖果)
  5. brush /brʌʃ/ (n.) 刷子、畫筆 | (v.) 刷、輕碰
  6. dye /daɪ/ 染料 | (v.)給…染色
  7. tray /treɪ/ 盤子、托盤
  8. basket /ˈbæs.kət/ 籃子
  9. Easter bunny /ˈiː.stɚ/ /ˈbʌni/ 復活節兔
  10. jellybeans /ˈdʒɛli/ /binz/ 雷根糖
  11. chocolate /ˈtʃɑklət/ 巧克力
  12. church /tʃɝːtʃ/ 教堂、教會
  13. cross /krɔs/ 十字架

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