波羅說故事-聖派翠克節篇 St. Patrick’s Day

簡介 Introduction

同學們,你有聽過「聖派翠克節 (St. Patrick’s Day)」嗎?你知道這個節日來自哪個國家,有著怎麼樣的故事以及傳統活動嗎?接下來,就跟著波羅的腳步,一起來認識「聖派翠克節 (St. Patrick’s Day)」吧!

關於聖派翠克節 About Saint Patrick’s Day

📜 起源 Origins

Saint Patrick’s Day is a special day that is celebrated every year on March 17th. This day is named after Saint Patrick, who is one of the most well-known saints in Ireland.


A long, long time ago, there was a boy named Patrick who lived in Britain. When he was 16 years old, he was captured by pirates and taken to Ireland. He had to work very hard as a shepherd and during this time, he started praying a lot and became very religious.


After six years, he managed to escape and return home. But then, he had a dream that the people of Ireland were calling him back to tell them about Christianity. So, he studied to become a priest and went back to Ireland.


At that time, Ireland was not a Christian country, but Saint Patrick is said to have used a shamrock to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) to the Irish people. He held a cross in one hand and a shamrock in the other, preaching all over Ireland. As a result, the green color of the shamrock became the main color of Saint Patrick’s Day. On this day, people wear green and use shamrocks as decorations. The color green also became a symbol of Ireland as early as the 17th century, showing the profound influence of Saint Patrick on Ireland.


☘️ 幸運草 Shamrock

A shamrock is a type of clover that is used as a symbol of Ireland. Saint Patrick, one of Ireland’s patron saints, is said to have used it as a metaphor for the Christian Holy Trinity. The name shamrock comes from Irish seamróg, which simply means “young clover”. The shamrock is a popular motif in Victorian times and is now a symbol of St. Patrick’s Day and Irish culture in general.

幸運草是三葉草的一種,被作為愛爾蘭的象徵。據說愛爾蘭的守護神之一聖派翠克用它來比喻基督教的三位一體。三葉草這個名字來自愛爾蘭語 seamróg,意思是「年輕的三葉草」。三葉草是維多利亞時代的流行圖案,現在是聖派翠克節和整個愛爾蘭文化的象徵。

🧝🏼 小妖精 Leprechaun

Leprechauns are fascinating creatures from Irish folklore. They are typically depicted as small, agile, and mischievous male fairies or goblins. They are known to be mischievous and can be a source of trickery. They are also known to guard hidden treasure, most often a pot of gold. Leprechauns have been popularized in the 20th century and are now a symbol of St. Patrick’s Day and Irish culture in general. They are often associated with rainbows and treasure, and are featured in many stories, films, and even as mascots.


📖 傳統 Traditions

The holiday has evolved into a celebration of Irish culture with parades, special foods, music, dancing, drinking, and a whole lot of green. Symbols associated with St. Patrick’s Day include shamrocks and all things Irish.


🚶🏼‍♂️ 遊行 Parades

One of the earliest St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in America took place in Boston in 1737. New York City held its first St. Patrick’s Day parade in 1762. Since 1962, Chicago has colored its river green to mark the holiday.

美國最早的聖派翠克節慶祝活動之一是在1737年的波士頓舉行的。紐約市在1762年舉行了第一次聖派翠克節遊行。自 1962 年以來,芝加哥將河流染成綠色來紀念這個節日。

💚 穿著綠色衣服 Wearing Green

Irish and non-Irish alike commonly participate in the “wearing of the green”—sporting an item of green clothing or a shamrock, the Irish national plant, in the lapel. Corned beef and cabbage are associated with the holiday, and even beer is sometimes dyed green to celebrate the day.


🥳 全球慶典 Global Celebration

It was emigrants, particularly to the United States, who transformed St. Patrick’s Day into a largely secular holiday of revelry and celebration of things Irish. Cities with large numbers of Irish immigrants, who often wielded political power, staged the most extensive celebrations, which included elaborate parades.


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