⭐Stories for Kids 兒童英文故事⭐The Mouse Who Wanted to Fly 想飛的老鼠

The Mouse Who Wanted to Fly 想飛的老鼠

📖 故事 Story

Once, there was a little mouse who dreamed of flying. He looked up at the birds soaring through the sky and wished he could do the same. One day, he found a feather and tied it to his tail.
With the feather, the mouse jumped off a tall tree. He flapped his arms as hard as he could, but he only went a short distance before falling to the ground. The mouse was disappointed, but he didn’t give up.
He decided to build a glider. He collected twigs and leaves and tied them together. When it was finished, he climbed to the top of the barn and jumped. The glider carried him a long way before gently floating to the ground. The mouse was so happy!

📋 互動問題 Questions

Question 1
Why did the little mouse want to fly?


Possible answer:
The little mouse probably wanted to fly because he saw birds soaring freely in the sky and felt envious, so he also wanted to experience the feeling of flying.


Question 2
What did the mouse do to try to fly?


Possible answers:
The little mouse first tried to fly by tying a feather to his tail, but it failed. Later, he built a glider and jumped from a high place, successfully gliding for a distance.


Question 3
What did the mouse learn from his experience?


Possible answers:
The little mouse learned from his experience that even if he couldn’t fully realize his dream, as long as he tried hard, he could still achieve something.


Question 4
Can you think of other ways to help the little mouse fly?


Possible answers:
The little mouse could make a small hot air balloon using the principle of hot air balloons to fly using the power of hot air rising.


🎮 互動遊戲 Games

Game: Who can make the best paper airplane? Let’s have a flying competition!


✈️ Paper Airplane

✈️ Material: A piece of A4 paper (Choose a stiffer A4 paper to make your paper airplane fly farther.)

材料:一張A4紙 (選擇一張較硬的A4紙,可以讓紙飛機飛得更遠。)

✈️ Steps:

  • Fold the paper in half.
  • Fold it in half again.
  • Open the paper to form a large triangle.
  • Fold the two corners of the triangle inward, aligning the tips.
  • Flip the paper over.
  • Fold the two corners of the triangle inward again, but this time make the folds slightly shorter than the previous ones.
  • Slightly bend the wings of the paper airplane outward for better stability.
  • 將紙張對摺成兩半。
  • 將對摺後的紙張再次對摺成一半。
  • 將紙張展開,形成一個大的三角形。
  • 將三角形的兩個角向內摺,使尖端對齊。
  • 將紙張翻面。
  • 再次將三角形的兩個角向內摺,但這次摺痕要比上一次的摺痕稍短一些。
  • 將紙飛機的機翼稍微向外彎曲,增加穩定性。

✈️ Tips:

  • Paper material: Stiffer paper usually flies farther.
  • Creases: Clearer creases lead to better flight stability.
  • Wing angle: Adjusting the wing angle can change the flight path.
  • 紙張的材質: 較硬的紙張通常能飛得更遠。
  • 摺痕要確實: 摺痕越清晰,紙飛機飛行的穩定性越好。
  • 機翼的角度: 調整機翼的角度可以改變紙飛機的飛行軌跡。

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