Moonlit Ice Cream Parlor 月亮上的冰淇淋店

📖 故事 Story

Once upon a time, there was a tiny ice cream shop on the moon. They didn’t sell ordinary flavors, but ice cream made from twinkling stars, fluffy clouds, and rainbow sprinkles. A little girl named Mei Mei flew to the moon one night on a dream. She curiously walked into the ice cream shop and ordered a scoop of sparkling star ice cream. The moment it melted in her mouth, Mei Mei felt like she was a star too, soaring freely through the cosmos.

📋 互動問題 Questions

Question 1
What kind of special ice cream did they sell at the ice cream shop on the moon?


Possible answer:
They sold ice cream made from twinkling stars, fluffy clouds, and rainbow sprinkles.


Question 2
How did Mei Mei feel after eating the star ice cream?


Possible answers:
Mei Mei felt like she was a star too, soaring freely through the cosmos.


Question 3
If you had an ice cream shop on the moon, what kind of ice cream would you sell?


Possible answers:
If I had an ice cream shop on the moon, I would sell ice cream flavored with meteor showers, which would make a crackling sound when eaten, or ice cream flavored with lunar soil, which would taste faintly like the moon.


🌛 互動遊戲 Games

Game: Moon Ice Cream Tasting Party


Be Creative:
Kids can freely choose their favorite ingredients and use their creativity to make a unique moon ice cream.


Taste and Share:
After everyone is finished, they can taste each other’s ice cream and share the making process and flavors.


You can set some simple judging criteria, such as the most beautiful appearance, the most special flavor, the most creative, etc., to select the winner.


Variations and Extensions 遊戲變化與延伸

Themed Tasting Party:
Set a theme, such as “Space Exploration” or “Dreamy Desserts”, and have children make ice cream based on the theme.


Ice Cream Story:
Each child can tell a story about their ice cream while tasting it.


Ice Cream Showdown:
Divide children into small groups and have an ice cream showdown to see which group’s ice cream is the most popular.


Judging Criteria (Subject to Adjustment) 評分標準建議 (可依情況調整)

  • Appearance: How attractive is the ice cream’s color, shape, and decoration?
  • Flavor: Is the ice cream flavor unique and do the flavors complement each other?
  • Creativity: Is the ice cream making process creative and are the ingredients novel?
  • Storytelling: Is the story that the child creates for their ice cream interesting and vivid?
  • 外觀:冰淇淋的顏色、形狀、裝飾是否吸引人。
  • 口味:冰淇淋的口味是否獨特、搭配是否協調。
  • 創意:冰淇淋的製作過程是否充滿創意,用料是否新穎。
  • 故事性:孩子們為冰淇淋編的故事是否有趣、生動。

Precautions 注意事項

  • Safety First: Please pay attention to food safety when playing this game. If using knives or other dangerous kitchen utensils, please have an adult supervise and ensure safety at all times.
  • Encourage Sharing: Encourage children to share and cooperate with each other to create a happy atmosphere.
  • Respect Differences: Every child’s creation is unique. Please respect their creativity.
  • 安全第一:在進行遊戲時,請注意食品安全。若有使用刀具或是其他危險廚具,請家長陪同,並隨時注意安全。
  • 鼓勵分享:鼓勵孩子們互相分享、合作,營造愉快的氣氛。
  • 尊重差異:每個孩子的作品都是獨一無二的,請尊重他們的創意。
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