The Little Blue Bird 小藍鳥皮普

📖 故事 Story

Once upon a time, in a colorful forest, there lived a little blue bird named Pip. Pip was very proud of his bright blue feathers. He thought he was the prettiest bird in the whole forest.
One day, Pip saw a big, brown owl sitting on a branch. “Look at me!” Pip chirped loudly. “I am so much prettier than you!” The owl just hooted softly and blinked its big, wise eyes.
Pip flew from tree to tree, showing off his blue feathers to all the other birds. But no one seemed as impressed as he hoped. The red robin said, “Your feathers are pretty, Pip, but mine are good for keeping warm in the winter.” The green parrot said, “My feathers help me blend in with the leaves.”
Pip felt sad. He realized that being different wasn’t a bad thing. Everyone had something special about them. From then on, Pip was kind to all the birds in the forest. He learned that it was important to respect everyone, no matter how different they were.

📋 互動問題 Questions

Question 1
What made Pip feel proud at first?


Possible answer:
His bright blue feathers.


Question 2
Why did the other birds not care as much about Pip’s feathers?


Possible answers:
They had their own special qualities too.


Question 3
What did Pip learn in the end?


Possible answers:
It’s important to respect everyone, no matter how different they are.


Question 4
How can we show respect to others who are different from us?


Possible answers:
Try to understand their point of view.


🦜 互動遊戲 Games

Game: Let’s Draw Me!


Have your child draw a picture of what they think makes them special. This could be their appearance, hobbies, talents, or anything else they feel proud of. Encourage them to share their artwork and explain why they feel special. This activity can help children learn more about themselves and appreciate their uniqueness.


🖌️ Materials:

  • Large sheets of paper
  • Various paints, brushes, crayons, and other art supplies
  • Mirror
  • 大張白紙
  • 各式顏料、畫筆、蠟筆等繪畫工具
  • 鏡子

👨🏼‍🎨 Game Rules:

  • Observe yourself: Have children carefully observe themselves in the mirror, paying attention to their facial features such as hair, eyes, nose, and mouth, as well as their clothing, hairstyle, and other physical characteristics.
  • Start drawing: Provide children with art supplies and encourage them to draw a picture of themselves as they see fit.
  • Share your artwork: Once finished, have each child share their artwork and explain what they drew and why they drew it that way.
  • 觀察自己:讓孩子仔細觀察鏡中的自己,注意自己的頭髮、眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴等五官,以及服裝、髮型等外貌特徵。
  • 開始繪畫:提供孩子繪畫工具,鼓勵他們盡情畫出自己心中的樣子。
  • 分享作品:完成後,讓每個孩子分享自己的作品,並說說自己畫了什麼,為什麼這樣畫。

🖼️ Tips:

  • Provide assistance: If children encounter difficulties, you can provide some guidance and help, but don’t interfere too much.
  • Exhibit artwork: Display the children’s artwork to allow everyone to appreciate it, which can increase children’s sense of accomplishment.
  • 提供幫助:如果孩子遇到困難,可以適時提供一些指導和幫助,但不要過度干涉。
  • 展覽作品:將孩子們的作品展示出來,讓大家一起欣賞,可以增加孩子的成就感。

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