The Brave Little Turtle 勇敢的小烏龜

📖 故事 Story

Once upon a time, in a peaceful pond, there lived a little turtle named Timmy. Timmy was very curious and loved to explore. One sunny day, Timmy decided to venture beyond the pond to see what lay beyond the tall grass. As he crawled through the grass, he met a friendly rabbit named Rosie. Rosie told Timmy about a beautiful meadow filled with colorful flowers and butterflies. Timmy was excited and asked Rosie to show him the way. Together, they journeyed to the meadow and had a wonderful time playing and exploring. Timmy realized that being brave and curious led him to new friends and exciting adventures.

📋 閱讀測驗 Multiple Choice

Question 1
What was the name of the little turtle?

(A) Tommy
(B) Timmy
(C) Tina

Question 2
Who did Timmy meet in the tall grass?

(A) A bird named Bella
(B) A frog named Freddy
(C) A rabbit named Rosie

Question 3
What did Rosie tell Timmy about?

(A) A deep forest
(B) A beautiful meadow
(C) A big mountain

Question 4
What did Timmy learn from his adventure?

(A) Being brave and curious leads to new friends and exciting adventures
(B) Staying at home is the best
(C) Exploring is dangerous

題目 1

(A) 湯米
(B) 提米
(C) 蒂娜

題目 2

(A) 一隻名叫貝拉的鳥
(B) 一隻名叫弗雷迪的青蛙
(C) 一隻名叫羅西的兔子

題目 3

(A) 一片深深的森林
(B) 一片美麗的草地
(C) 一座大山

題目 4

(A) 勇敢和好奇會結識新朋友並有令人興奮的冒險
(B) 待在家裡是最好的
(C) 探索是危險的

🗨️ 互動討論 Discussion

1. Why do you think Timmy was curious about what was beyond the pond?

討論 1:你覺得提米為什麼對池塘外的世界感到好奇?

Possible answers:
Timmy was curious because he wanted to explore new places and see what else was out there.


2. Why is it important to be brave and curious? Can you think of a time when you were brave or curious?

討論 2:為什麼勇敢和好奇很重要?你能想到你曾經勇敢或好奇的時候嗎?

Possible answers:
It is important to be brave and curious because it helps us grow and develop new skills. I was brave when I tried learning a new language and now I can speak it fluently.


3. If you could go on an adventure like Timmy, where would you go and who would you take with you?

討論 3:如果你能像提米一樣去冒險,你會去哪裡,會帶誰一起去?

Possible answers:
I would go to a magical forest and take my best friend with me.


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