Timmy’s Brave Race 提米的勇敢競賽

📖 故事 Story

Once upon a time, in a beautiful forest, there lived a little turtle named Timmy. Timmy was different from the other animals because he had a disability that made it hard for him to walk. But Timmy was very brave and always tried his best.
One day, there was a big race in the forest. All the animals were excited to participate. Timmy wanted to join too, but he was worried that he wouldn’t be able to keep up. His friends encouraged him and said, “Timmy, you can do it! Just try your best!”
Timmy decided to join the race. He started slowly, but he kept moving forward. Along the way, he faced many challenges, but he never gave up. The other animals cheered for him, and Timmy felt very happy.
In the end, Timmy didn’t win the race, but he finished it. All the animals clapped and celebrated his bravery. Timmy realized that it wasn’t about winning or losing, but about trying his best and never giving up.

📋 閱讀測驗 Multiple Choice

Question 1
Why was Timmy different from the other animals?


Possible answers:
Timmy had a disability that made it hard for him to walk.


Question 2
What did Timmy’s friends say to encourage him?


Possible answers:
They said, “Timmy, you can do it! Just try your best!”


🗨️ 互動討論 Discussion

1. How do you think Timmy felt when he decided to join the race?

討論 1:你覺得提米決定參加比賽時感覺如何?

Possible answers:
Timmy might have felt nervous and worried because he knew it would be challenging for him to keep up with the other animals.


2. Why is it important to try your best even if you might not win?

討論 2:為什麼即使可能不會贏也要盡力而為?

Possible answers:
Trying your best helps you learn and grow. Even if you don’t win, you gain valuable experience and skills that can help you in the future. 


3. Why is it important to encourage others?

討論 3:為什麼鼓勵他人很重要?

Possible answers:
Encouragement boosts confidence and motivation. When we encourage others, we help them believe in themselves and their abilities, which can lead to greater success and happiness.


4. What are some challenges you have faced, and how did you overcome them?

討論 4:你面臨過哪些挑戰,你是如何克服的?

Possible answers:
Challenge: Facing a difficult subject in school
Overcoming it: I asked my teachers for extra help, formed study groups with classmates, and used online resources to better understand the material. With persistence, I was able to improve my grades.


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