The Curious Little Fox 好奇的小狐狸

📖 故事 Story

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a curious little fox named Felix. Felix loved to explore and try new things. He believed that every new experience was an adventure waiting to happen.
One day, Felix decided to try something he had never done before. He wanted to learn how to swim. Felix had always been afraid of water, but he knew that trying new things was important. So, he asked his friend, the wise old turtle, to teach him.
The turtle patiently showed Felix how to paddle and float. At first, Felix was scared and struggled, but he kept trying. With each attempt, he got a little better. Eventually, Felix was able to swim across the pond. He felt proud and happy that he had tried something new.
One sunny afternoon, Felix decided to explore a part of the forest he had never been to before. As he ventured deeper into the woods, he stumbled upon a hidden cave. Curious and excited, Felix entered the cave, only to find himself lost in a maze of tunnels.
Felix felt a pang of fear, but he remembered the lessons he had learned from trying new things. He took a deep breath and decided to find his way out. Along the way, he encountered various obstacles, like slippery rocks and narrow passages.
Just when Felix thought he would never find his way out, he heard a familiar voice. It was the wise old turtle, who had come looking for him. With the turtle’s guidance, Felix was able to navigate the maze and find his way back to the forest.
From that day on, Felix continued to try new things with even more enthusiasm. He learned to climb trees, paint pictures, and even play musical instruments. Felix discovered that trying new things made life exciting and full of possibilities.

📋 閱讀測驗 Multiple Choice

Question 1
Why did Felix want to learn how to swim?


Possible answers:
Felix wanted to learn how to swim because he believed that trying new things was important.


Question 2
Who helped Felix learn to swim?


Possible answers:
The wise old turtle helped Felix learn to swim.


Question 3
What did Felix discover about trying new things?


Possible answers:
Felix discovered that trying new things made life exciting and full of possibilities.


🗨️ 互動討論 Discussion

1. How do you feel when you try something new for the first time?

討論 1:當你第一次嘗試新事物時,你的感覺如何?

Possible answers:
Excited and Curious: Trying something new can be thrilling because it’s an opportunity to learn and discover.
△ Nervous and Anxious: It’s natural to feel a bit scared or worried when facing the unknown.
△ Proud and Accomplished: Successfully trying something new can bring a sense of pride and achievement.

△ 緊張和焦慮:面對未知時感到有點害怕或擔心是很自然的。
△ 自豪和成就感:成功嘗試新事物可以帶來自豪感和成就感。

2. Why is it important to try new things, even if they seem scary at first?

討論 2:為什麼嘗試新事物很重要,即使一開始看起來很可怕?

Possible answers:
△ Personal Growth: Trying new things helps us grow and develop new skills and perspectives.
△ Building Confidence: Overcoming fears and challenges boosts our confidence and self-esteem.
△ Discovering Opportunities: New experiences can lead to unexpected opportunities and adventures.
△ Enhancing Creativity: Trying different things stimulates our creativity and problem-solving abilities.

△ 個人成長:嘗試新事物有助於我們成長和發展新技能和觀點。
△ 建立信心:克服恐懼和挑戰能提升我們的信心和自尊。
△ 發現機會:新體驗可以帶來意想不到的機會和冒險。
△ 增強創造力:嘗試不同的事物能激發我們的創造力和解決問題的能力。

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