Benny and Ruffles 班尼和拉夫斯

📖 故事 Story

Once upon a time, in a cozy little house in the forest, there lived a little bear named Benny. Benny had a favorite toy, a stuffed rabbit named Ruffles. Benny loved Ruffles very much and took him everywhere he went.
One day, Benny was playing outside with Ruffles when he accidentally dropped him in a muddy puddle. Ruffles got dirty and wet. Benny felt very sad and didn’t know what to do.
Benny’s mother saw what happened and came to help. She said, “Benny, we can clean Ruffles and make him as good as new. It’s important to take care of the things we love.
Together, they washed Ruffles and hung him up to dry. Benny learned how to clean and take care of his toys. He realized that taking care of his things made them last longer and kept them looking nice.
From that day on, Benny was more careful with his toys. He made sure to keep them clean and put them away properly. Benny felt proud of himself for taking good care of Ruffles and all his other toys.

📋 互動問題 Questions

Question 1
What was Benny’s favorite toy?


Possible answer:
Benny’s favorite toy was a stuffed rabbit named Ruffles.


Question 2
What happened to Ruffles when Benny was playing outside?


Possible answers:
Ruffles got dirty and wet when Benny accidentally dropped him in a muddy puddle.


Question 3
What did Benny learn about taking care of his toys?


Possible answers:
Benny learned that taking care of his toys made them last longer and kept them looking nice.


🗨️ 互動討論 Discussion

1. Why is it important to take care of the things we love?

討論 1:為什麼愛惜我們喜愛的東西很重要?

Possible answers:
△ Longevity and Durability: Taking care of the things we love helps them last longer and stay in good condition.
△ Sentimental Value: Many items we love have special memories attached to them, and taking care of them helps preserve those memories.
△ Respect and Responsibility: Taking care of our belongings shows respect for the effort and resources that went into making them.
△ Setting a Good Example: By taking care of our things, we set a positive example for others, especially children, to follow.

△ 使用壽命和耐用性:愛惜我們喜愛的東西可以讓它們使用更久,並保持良好的狀態。
△ 情感價值:我們喜愛的許多物品都附有特殊的回憶,愛惜它們有助於我們保存這些回憶。
△ 尊重和責任:愛惜我們的所有物顯示了對製造這些物品所付出的努力和資源的尊重。
△ 樹立好榜樣:透過愛惜我們的東西,我們為他人,特別是孩子們,樹立了積極的榜樣。

2. How can we take care of our toys and belongings?

討論 2:我們該如何照顧我們的玩具和物品?

Possible answers:
△ Regular Cleaning: Keep toys and belongings clean by regularly wiping them down and washing them if necessary.
△ Proper Storage: Store items in a safe and organized manner to prevent damage and make them easy to find.
△ Gentle Handling: Handle toys and belongings with care to avoid breaking or damaging them.
△ Repair and Maintenance: Fix any damages promptly and perform regular maintenance to keep items in good working condition.
△ Respecting Usage Instructions: Follow the usage instructions provided for items to ensure they are used correctly and safely.

△ 定期清潔:通過定期擦拭和必要時清洗,保持玩具和物品的清潔。
△ 妥善存放:以安全和有序的方式存放物品,以防止損壞並便於查找。
△ 輕拿輕放:小心處理玩具和物品,以避免破損或損壞。
△ 修理和維護:及時修理任何損壞,並定期進行維護,以保持物品的良好狀態。
△ 遵守使用說明:遵循物品提供的使用說明,以確保正確和安全地使用它們。

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