中華傳統節日|The Lantern Festival 《元宵節篇》

波羅說故事-元宵節篇 The Lantern Festival

簡介 Introduction


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波羅說故事 Story

During the lantern festival, Boro and Bomei will go to Pingxi to release sky lanterns. Sometimes, Boro and Bomei will make their own lanterns, and carry their lanterns to celebrate the lantern festival. Boro and Bomei always eat tangyuan during the lantern festival. Boro loves to eat peanut tangyuan and Bomei loves to eat fried tangyuan. Therefore, they will solve lantern riddles at the night market. If they solve the riddles correctly, they can have tangyuan for free. People will also set off beehive firecrackers to celebrate the lantern festival. However, Boro and Bomei will not attend the Yanshui beehive fireworks festival this year because they have to teach you vocabulary about the lantern festival!


相關單字整理 Vocabulary

  1. The lantern festival /ðiː/ /ˈlæn.tɚn/ /ˈfes.tə.vəl/ 元宵節
  2. lantern /ˈlæn.tɚn/ 燈籠
  3. sky lantern /skaɪ/ /ˈlæn.tɚn/ 天燈
  4. release sky lantern /rɪˈliːs/ /skaɪ/ /ˈlæn.tɚn/ 放天燈
  5. release /rɪˈliːs/ 釋放、鬆開
  6. lantern riddles /ˈlæn.tɚn/ /ˈrɪd.əl/ 燈謎
  7. solve lantern riddles /sɑːlv/ /ˈlæn.tɚn/ /ˈrɪd.əl/ 猜燈謎
  8. solve /rɪˈliːs/ 思索、思考
  9. beehive firecrackers /ˈbiː.haɪv/ /ˈfaɪrˌkræk.ɚ/ 蜂炮
  10. set off beehive firecrackers /set/ /ɑːf/ /ˈbiː.haɪv/ /ˈfaɪrˌkræk.ɚ/ 放蜂炮
  11. tangyuan 湯圓

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